You’re unexpectedly a Work From Home Mom and you’re freaking the heck out wondering how you’re going to homeschool, feed and take care of your kids, husband, get work done and do all the things!
I get it, mama, I’m right there with you.
My emotions have been on a rollercoaster ride for the last three weeks. On top of worrying about the unknowns, I wondered “how would I get work done with my kids home from school ?”. Although, I have been a work from home mother for two years.
Here Are 16 Work From Home Tips For Working Moms To Thrive
We are mothers, we can do hard things. We are not just going to survive, we’re going to thrive. I was feeling depressed and down with all our recent developments. And, I’m sure I may get down again, but at this moment I’m declaring that I’m Not Just Going to Survive, I’m Going To Thrive!
A Shift In Our Perspective About Working From Home Can Be Very Impactful
Before I jump into the list of tips, I would like to share how my daughter helped to pull me out of my haze of despair.
My eight-year-old daughter said something that made me shift my thoughts and pull up my big girl panties. She said, “Mommy, I’m going to be able to tell my kids about this time”. Darn! She knocked me over with those words.
We have talked about 911 which is history for her, and how I lived through that time. Our children are living through a monumental time. Our children that are old enough to understand that this is a significant time, need us to mitigate the anxiety and stress.
It clicked in my daughters’ head that we are living history and she will be able to tell her kids about this time, just as how I have told her about 911. I realized I needed to get my act together and make the best of this time for my daughters.
We need to be the shield and protectors for our kids.
Work From Home Tips For Working Moms To Thrive
1. Accept That This Is Happening
There is a lot going on that we don’t have control of. Let’s focus on what we can control.
Join me and declare, “I’m Not Going To Just Survive, I’m Going To Thrive!”
As I mentioned above, a simple shift in our perspective can be very impactful.
2. Shift Your Perspective and Look For The Opportunities To Make An Impact
How can you positively impact your family and community? Look for the opportunities. It may be using your talents, skills, life and work experiences.
3. Focus On Being The Best Mother
Focusing on being the best mother will help us thrive as a working mom working from home.
How We Handle Mayhem Will Impact Our Children. We Have An Opportunity To Positively Impact Our Children.
We’re Mothers First. Our titles as mothers come before our job titles. When we know we have done our most important job to the best of our ability we will thrive in our other roles despite the mayhem.
4. Take Care Of Your Overall Health
By taking care of ourselves we will be able to give our children the best care and those we serve during this time.
5. Look For The Things To Be Grateful For
Gratitude is a powerful practice and tool.
Start and end each day thinking about all the things you’re grateful for.
In 2018 I participated in Rachel Holli’s Last 90 Days Challenge. Practicing daily gratitude is one step in the Last 90 Days Challenge’s Five To Thrive. I experienced the power of practicing gratitude especially in times of despair.
This simple practice of looking for and writing down things that you’re grateful for is powerful! Aim to write down at least three to five things you’re grateful for at the start and end of your day.
It may seem excessive, these are darn hard times! We need as much positivity as we can get to not just survive by the skin of our teeth, but to THRIVE!
We Got This! You Got This! Let’s Do This!
Options For Active Gratitude:
- Your Family, Home, and Health.
- You GET To Still Work and Earn An Income! Can we get an AMEN!
- You don’t have to see that “coworker”. In Jamaica, we would say “we haffi tek serious things mek joke”. Meaning we have to find the humor in hard situations and circumstances.
- You can make these times be lasting memories for your entire family.
6. Plan To Be Thrive And Kick Tush!
Let’s shoot for the moon, even if we miss we’ll land among the stars! Make a plan on how you’re going to be successful as a work from home mom. Try and plan for the unexpected too.
7. Do Not Take On Everything By Yourself
Include your family, spouse, and kids as you plan on how to make the best of working from home during this time.
8. Be Positive And Mindful Your Kids Are Watching
I was speaking with my mom on the phone a few days before things started changing here in Chicagoland about preparing. My daughters were watching TV and eating a snack in their playroom while I unpacked groceries from the car.
My daughter started asking me questions about my conversation after I got off the phone with my mom. I didn’t even think they were paying attention to me.
Yes, our kids are watching us and can sense our emotions.
9. Create A Structure For You And Your Family
10. Ask For Help
On the first day of e-learning/homeschooling, I reached out to my five-year-old daughter’s teacher. My daughter is resistant to homeschool. I asked her teacher to send her a video message offering some encouragement to my daughter and to let her know the
My daughters’ entire demeanor changed after hearing from her teacher. She was excited to get started. I’m so thankful for the awesome teachers and school my children have. Because I could not do this alone.
What areas can you ask for help in? You don’t have to do it all by yourself. Ask for help.
11. Make Your Kids Feel Included
Listen to your kid’s ideas and make them feel included as you plan for this time.
12. Take Breaks To Find Joy
Take breaks as a family. Do dance parties, hide and seek and snack time together.
I bought a bag of chocolate and have been using it to add some sweetness to our days. I may or may not be using it to help motivate my kids during challenging times. Drastic times call for drastic measures.
What brings your family joy? Pull-on those things or activities when you and/or your family start getting frustrated.
Related Article: How to job search during quarantine?
13. Feed Your Personality Type
If you’re an introvert you may need to schedule a time for you to recharge each day by yourself.
If you are an extrovert you may crave the personal and face to face connection you would normally receive working outside the home. Use technology and stay connected.
14. Use Technology To Maintain Connection For You And Your Family
- Set up video chats with your different communities.
- Schedule virtual play dates for your kids.
15. Feed Your Mind, Body, And Spirit
- Read inspirations books, listen to podcasts
- Practice gratitude and positive affirmations
- Move your body with some form of movement
- Journal
- Meditate
- Connection with Jesus
Related Article: Networking Tips For Busy Working Mothers Seeking A New Job
16. Figure Out When And How You Will Get Work Done
Does your job require you to be at your “desk” from 9 to 5? My husband has to be available and present during the workday. I have my business and have more flexibility. Honestly, I’m still adjusting.
I’m working with both my daughters from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm for homeschool. I feel stretched between both girls, making snacks and lunch for the family during that time. It’s a struggle to work while homeschooling my children, hence I have chosen to not do so.
Working in the evenings, nights and early mornings work best for me during this time.
One of my friend’s husband is the primary person working with her kids for homeschooling as his job is more flexible.
Figure out what works best for you and your family so you can get your work done. I know it’s stressful and may seem daunting at this time. Use the tips from this list that will work for you and your family to not just survive to work from home during this challenging time, but thrive.
You Can Survive And Thrive As A Working Mom Working From Home
You can absolutely be productive working from home as a working mother. I wrote an article titled How to Be Productive as a Work From Home Mom. I wrote this article based on children been in school or daycare during the workweek, however you can apply some of these processes to help you be productive working from home.
We’re living and experiencing unchartered waters. These are unprecedented times. We’re not sure what will happen in the next few days or weeks, however, we can control how we reactive to the mayhem.
We can control our attitude and how we choose to react to the craziness.
We can choose to shine our lights brightly.
Let Your Light Shine So Brightly That Others Can See Their Way Out Of The Darkness! – Katrina Mayer
Remember your children are watching you and how you respond.
I know suddenly becoming a work from home mom is overwhelming especially with all the uncertainty and craziness going on around us.
Shifting your perspective will help you to survive and thrive as a working mom, working from home with kids. You got this! You can absolutely do hard things. You’re a mom! A Rockstar Career Mom!
I’m rooting for you!
Use the tips that will help you flourish and thrive working from home with your kids’ home. What other tips can you share that’s working for you?
Please share below or email me on Together we’re stronger!