Do you need to work, make some extra money, but you’re worried about having the flexibility to care for your family?
I completely understand!
Jobs Moms Can Work and Have Flexibility For Family
This is one of the primary reasons I’m speaking with you through this blog. I have a need, a calling to work and serve frustrated mothers, however, I felt torn.
I was torn between my need to work and my need to care for my daughters and husband. Especially, my two young daughters who need me.
I had to find a way to work and have the flexibility to care for my family.
Almost two years ago I discovered the online world of career opportunities made possible by technology and the internet.
I’m still learning, however, I want to share what seems like a hidden secret.
I see you struggling. Needing to help support your family financially, but can’t see a way to do so and still have the time to care for them.
Moms, technology has made it possible for you to work and have the flexibility to care for your family!
Earlier this week I shared that I was tempted to stay at the pool with my daughters and our friends and not follow our planned schedule. It was hard taking my daughters away from the fun they were having and I also wanted to stay.
That was one instance of “choices” I make daily where I have to remember my reason aka, my “why” for my goals…
“Balancing” and “Blending” Life, Work and Being a Mom
Keeping focused on our “why” is a daily choice. You make choices from the moment you wake up. Some without even realizing it. As they have become habits.
It’s also important to know when to be flexible and recognize when our “why” has evolved and/or changed as the seasons of our life changes.
What does this have to do with this topic below?
Jobs Moms Can Earn Money While Having Flexibility For Family
As moms juggling several hats, it’s easy to lose focus of “where we are” and recognize when we need to make a change. Take a step back or evolve!
Before you start your job search you need to first evaluate “WHY” you need a job. Your reasons for working may have changed.
When I started my entrepreneurial journey I decided to start with a blog, Tallawah Human, now Rockstar Career Moms.
Tallawah Human was first created to empower women. The first tagline was “Women Sharing & Supporting to Empower Each Other to RISE”.
As I learned and grew on this journey I realized my passion for supporting mothers. Mothers who are frustrated trying to juggle having a career and being the best mother.
I was that frustrated mother for years and didn’t even realize the cause of my discontent.
UPDATED: The tagline for Tallawah Human was “Supporting Frustrated Mothers To Become Rockstar Career Moms” at the time I wrote this article. The new tagline is You Can Have It All!
Keep Focus on Your Why and Recognize When There’s Need For Change
As I learn more about you, the moms in the Rockstar Career Moms Community, I realized that the traditional meaning of “career” does not define all moms and the “career paths” you have chosen.
Having this epiphany inspired me to write the article Let’s Redefine The Meaning Of Career and Career Mom. We need to redefine Career and Career Mom for the 21 Century.
As a Mom, Career Coach, Blogger and all the other “hats” I wear, I have to constantly keep the focus on my “why” and also be cognizant when there’s a need for change.
And so do you. Reflect on the questions below to help figure out your current reason for your job search.
Why are you looking for a job?
- Just need to make some extra spending money?
- Or, are you looking for more consistent income?
- Maybe you’re just looking for something to fill your time while your kids are in school?
- Are you returning to the workforce after being a stay at home mom for several years?
- Or, do you need to change your company to one that offers more “work-life-balance”
- Do you need to work from home (virtual/remote)?
- Are you looking to utilize your career experience offering contract, freelance or consulting services?
- Will this position be a side job you do when you “feel like”?
- Or, are you looking to utilize your work experience and/or education?
- Are you looking to start a new business venture?
Having a good grasp of “why” you’re looking for a job will help you save your time by conducting a more strategic and tailored job search.
Concerned About Working and Been Able To Care For Your Family?
- What jobs can I do to have time to care for family and earn an income?
- Can I balance taking care of my kids, our home, my husband and working a job?
- Will I be able to take care of my family if I go after my career dreams?
- How will my family manage if I quit this “JOB”?
I know these are some of the thoughts that are preventing you from pursuing your dreams. You’re wondering if you’ll be able to “balance” doing it all. In the article, can working career moms have balance? I’m sharing some insight on “balance for working moms” and hope it will help you.
Before you jump in and start your job search I strongly suggest taking a look at these 5 Musts For Moms Before Starting Your Job Search.
Download The Find Your “WHY” Worksheet Here.
And Ask Yourself The 10 Questions And Find Your “WHY” For Your Job Search.
Jobs For Moms To Earn Money and Have Flexibility For Family
With technology, there’s a whole new world of opportunities.
Think beyond the traditional ways of earning. Beyond the traditional 9 to 5 jobs. Beyond all the ways that make you feel and think you can’t be a working mom.
Technology has and continues to change our world! Some jobs have become obsolete and jobs are been created as we speak.
The questions above are questions I have wrestled with as well. And are one of the reasons, my “why” for creating a virtual business.
Side Hustles and Gig Economy Jobs are the two primary types of jobs that you can work that will allow you the flexibility to work and care for your family.
SIDE HUSTLE & GIG JOBS. Jobs Created By The Growth Of Technology
Have you heard this term before? Do you understand what a side hustle is?
A side hustle is a job you do on the “side” along with your regular job to make extra money. If you have a current 9 to 5 job you will typically work your side hustle when time permits “outside of your 9 to 5 job”.
According to the, side hustle took off in the 2000s because of the internet, and the gig economy.
Are Side Hustle Jobs New?
Growing up in Jamaica, I saw my parents, relatives and even my teachers doing some form of “side hustle” since the 1980s. My father has had numerous businesses and has dabbled in so many side jobs over the years. From farming sugar cane and bananas for export to raising cattle.
My mom was a teacher when I was a child and later changed professions. She then taught extra lessons in the evenings and even gave buying and selling clothing a try. All to earn extra money to supplement her salary from her 9 to 5 job.
The term “side hustle” may be more modern, but people doing “side jobs” to make extra money is not new.
Technology And The Internet Changed “Side Hustle”
Technology and the Internet have made it possible for you as a mom to do side jobs and still have the flexibility to care for your family.
As a mom, you can choose a side hustle where you do not need to leave your home or one where you can work while your kids are in school or sleeping.
With the emergent of smartphones, Apps, virtual and technology companies you have more options than retail, foodservice, and jobs that require you to be at a certain place at a certain time.
The internet and technology have made it easier and given us more opportunities to have a side hustle.
You now can say, WHEN and WHERE and be there for your family when they need you. Thereby gaining the flexibility to earn extra money and care for your family.
Side Hustles Can Be:
- Part-time Work
- Freelance Work
- Contract Work
- Your Start-Up Business
- Self-Employed
- Virtual/Remote Work
Some Benefits of Side Hustles For Moms
- Flexibility To Create Your Own Schedule
- Ability to Balance and Blend Work, Life, and Family
- Unlimited Options For Work
- Work From Home or Anywhere as Long as You Have Access to Technology
- Start a Business with Little or No Start-up Cost
- Positively Impact People Throughout the World Without Leaving Your Home
- No Limit to How Much Money You Can Earn
- More Autonomy with Choosing Who You Work With/For
Gig jobs are the next branch of job opportunities that gives you as a mom the ability to earn extra money while having the flexibility to care for your family.
Similar to side hustle, “gigs” or gig jobs have been around for as long as I can remember. Traditionally, musicians and artists are who we thought of when we heard “gig”.
As a musician, you would play for a show and get paid after you complete the show.
Gig jobs have taken on a new meaning with the emergent of those “side jobs” brought on with technology.
A Gig Economy Job is a technology-based position that you are able to do through an app such as Uber, Lyft, Airbnb or DoorDash.
Cons to Consider When Working Side Hustles and Gig Jobs
I would be remiss if I did not mention some of the not so happy things for you to consider. When deciding if this is the route for you.
- No Insurance Coverage
- No Paid Vacation Time
- You Will Need To Do Your Own Taxes
- You’ll Need to Keep Booking Your Next “Gig”
- May not have the “team” culture working solo, virtual or remote
As with anything in life they are always pros and cons.
The emergent of technology in the last 20 years has changed our job market. Providing opportunities for you to work and have the flexibility to care for your children.
You can work beyond the traditional 9 to 5 jobs and contribute to your family’s income AND, have the Flexibility to care for them!
You can work, add some extra cash to your family’s “pot” and still have the flexibility to care for your children.
Are you currently doing a side hustle? Please share it in the comments below. They are a lot of moms that feel alone in their struggles and are not aware of these wonderful opportunities.
Opportunity for you to make extra money or start your own side hustle business that can replace your fulltime income.