How do you get back up when “life happens” and keep going? And, oh how life has happened to us in the last few months.
Some of us began 2020 fighting many battles from years prior and looked to the new year being hopeful. Hoping for positive change, however, a pandemic happened that has triggered life-changing side effects.
You may have gotten knocked down by fear, anger, sickness, loss of family, friends, your job, and income. We each have been affected in different ways by the global pandemic. So…
How to get back up when “life happens” and keep going?
I had the opportunity to share tips that can help you get back up when life knocks you down with my Arbonne team recently. The tips have been tailored to help you with your career and life goals during these challenging times. I hope they can help you get back up and keep going when “life happens”.
I have been on my entrepreneurial journey for about 3 years and have learned many lessons that are helping me during this time.
As we work to achieve our career goals we have internal and external challenges. We will have to fight our own limiting beliefs and doubts. We will have to battle the emotional toll of the people closest to us not understanding our dreams, not supporting us, and thinking we’re even crazy. Plus unexpected challenges like a global pandemic! Here are…
Five Tips To Help You Get Back Up And Keep Going When “Life” Knocks You Down!
#1: Go Back To Your Why
You need to know your why for…And, your why need to be strong enough to keep you going and help you get back up when you get knocked down. If you do not know your why, you need to take the time and do so.
We usually have personal whys and purpose-driven whys.
Your personal whys are about you and your family. Purpose-driven why are usually about the impact you want to make. Your why will help you figure out how to get back up and have the grit and perseverance to do what needs to be done to keep going. Start by going back to your why. If you do not know your reason, aka, your why take some time to find your why for…
#:2 Practice Positive Affirmations
Write them down and recite them several times a day, daily. This will help you maintain or develop the mindset you’ll need to overcome the obstacles that knock you down.
My business coach, Coach Jerry says, “what we think and speak will guide our paths”. Here are 20 positive affirmations. You can click on the picture to get a copy or use these as a guide to help write your own. A blank affirmation sheet is included…
20 Positive Affirmations To Help You Get Back Up When Life Happens
#3: Infuse Your Life With Personal Development Daily
We must invest in ourselves or we can’t show up for anyone. Personal development content is more readily available at little or no cost with technology.
Personal Development Resources:
- Podcast
- Books
- Social Media
- YouTube
Here are 25 killer personal development resources.
I was reminded in a leadership training that “the buck begins and stops with me”. We have to take responsibility for ourselves, our careers, and our businesses. This is also empowering. There are many things we do not have control of in life, however, how we choose to respond is up to us.
#4: Focus On Activity That Drives Results
- What are the action items that you need to take to help you get to where you need to go?
- Do you have a goal to get a promotion at your job?
- Do you want to get a new job?
- Is your goal to become a business owner?
- Do you want to learn a new skill?
- Are you working to achieve a financial goal in your business?
- What are the results-driven activities that you need to take?
Figure out the action steps you need to take to achieve your goals and put them on your calendar. Write them down. Schedule them and keep the appointment with yourself.
Did you lose your job or are you seeking a new job? This article has resume writing tips to get you an interview. An action item that would yield results is creating a resume that will market you well to employers. It’s not enough to create a killer resume. Networking is the #1 method of securing a job. Your next action step would be to connect with your network. This article provides networking tips for busy working mothers.
#5: Have Faith And Hope
We can’t do life by ourselves and we weren’t meant to. I have a sign in my office that says “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”, It’s the bible verse Philippians 4:13.
The sign reminds me to put God first in everything I do and to have faith and hope.
We each have different beliefs, yes! Having faith in a higher being, something greater than us takes that pressure off feeling that it’s all up to us. Yes, we take responsibility for our actions and the buck starts and stops with us, but, that’s based on our actions. We have to leave the rest up to God, a higher being.
I’m so thankful that it’s not all up to me and I have a higher being looking out for me.
Bonus: #6: Be Flexible And Pivot
Life is challenging. Ok, life is HARD! This pandemic is unprecedented with many unknowns. We have or are learning to be flexible and pivot in the midst of much uncertainty.
Though challenging, we figured out how to finish the 2019 school year, work from home with kids, conduct virtually doctors visits, make masks, wear masks, start new businesses, make our pennies stretch, hold church online, host conferences with thousands of people all over the world and the list goes on!
You’re a Rockstar! You’re still here trying! That’s all you have to do. Get back up and keep trying! Keep fighting to achieve your goals. And remember, it’s okay to rest and change your plans.
I have given you tips and action steps you can add to help you get through these hard times. But, sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is to avoid toxic situations, relationships, TV shows, etc. You must protect your mindset and peace!
Let’s recap the tips shared on “how to get back up when life happens and keep going”.
- Go Back To Your Why
- Practice Positive Affirmations
- Enfuse Your Life With Personal Development Daily
- Focus On Activity That Drives Results
- Have Faith and Hope
- Be Flexible And Pivot
- Protect Yourself And Avoid Toxic Situations, Relationships, TV Shows, Etc.
Start with the tip/s that works for you during this time. These may also help spark an idea within you of how you can get back up when “life” happens.
I would love to hear how you get back up and keep going when life happens. Please share by commenting below or contact me on